Saturday, April 25, 2009

um...a post about...stuff?

if you know me, then you probably know i am very random. (if you don't believe that, then why are you reading my blog???) Anyways, my random thought of the day is the bad poetry contest we had in English a while ago. MY POEM WAS NOT IN THE TOP 10!!!! I know, devestating, isn't it? at least one of mine was in the top 40 or so, but I wasn't there on that day, cuz I was sick.

My poem was about pickles and boogers. I know. it's THE most creative topic of DA ENTIRE YEAR!!! haha. so um, let me find it. ok im back. actually i wrote 2 about pickles and boogers, so here are both.

By Kali C.

Pickles are green, like
boogers. They don't taste like boo-
gers. They taste so sweet!

I like Pickles

Pickles are good.
They are green.
I want a pickle.
Or I will CRY!
Pickles are good.
They are not boogers.
Even though they are very green.